A day in the life - documentary family photography



So here we go, part 2 of my brilliant 24 hours with The Haywards!     If you haven't seen my Part 1 you can find it here!   http://www.emmachandlerphotography.co.uk/blog/documenting-real-parenthood

Our day started just after 6.30.    I had already woken, and could hear hushed noises around the house, and then my bedroom door slowly opened as Elsie creeped in to say hello  : )

So I was up, still in PJs, but with camera in hand, and that's when I started snapping!    We had sleepy morning hot drinks, breakfast, a concentrated dressing session (then a change), and then it was off to the park in the sun.   Such great, NORMAL, special family times; all captured.

Here are some of my faves from the morning hope you enjoy them.

And do let me know if you are interested in something similar for your own family.   They won't be little for long....
